Tabit Smart Farming - Koçarlı Robofest Festival was held

Koçarlı Robofest Festival was held

Koçarlı Robofest Festival was held


Koçarlı Robofest Festival was held

Robofest, organized by Koçarlı Directorate of National Education with the participation of District Governor Ersin Tepeli, Mayor Nedim Kaplan, District Director of National Education Osman Arıkoğlu, Tabit Smart Agricultural Technologies A.Ş. R&D Manager Orhan Kurt, department heads, teachers and students, started on Tuesday, May 24 at Koçarlı Governor Şenol Engin Sports Hall with the opening of stands and gamification seminar for primary, middle and high school students.

The second day of the festival continued with trainings at Tabit Smart Village. At Tabit Smart Village Agricultural Technology Training Workshop, various trainings were given to children by introducing the "Latmos Explorer" application under the leadership of R&D Manager Orhan Kurt. Dramatization methods were used in the trainings and thus, it was aimed to provide different experiences by focusing children's attention. The last day of the festival continued with the primary school stratch competition, middle school line following robot competition and high school line following robot competition. Afterwards, under the leadership of Yavuz Pullukçu from ArkheTech Company, awareness raising activities were carried out by offering Vr experience to children for the first time. The project, which offers Vr experience, transfers the Latmos region, where the children are located, to the digital world with all its historical values such as 8,000-year-old rock paintings and Roman frescoes.

At the end of these beautiful experiences, the festival ended with a photo shoot.

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