The 4th session on "Agriculture 5.0: The Future of Agriculture and Food Technologies" took place today at the 21st Forum Istanbul Conference, which was held on June 1-3 with the main theme "Towards 2023, Horizon 2050".Our Founder Tülin AKIN, Alesca Life Future Designer & Agriculture Focused Investor Stuart ODA, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, WWF Turkey, Chairman of the Board of Directors Nafiz KARADERE, Türk Telekom, Deputy General Manager of Technology Yusuf KIRAÇ and World Newspaper General Coordinator Vahap MUNYAR as Moderator. Dr. Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, WWF Turkey, Chairman of the Board of Directors Nafiz KARADERE, Türk Telekom, Deputy General Manager of Technology Yusuf KIRAÇ and Dünya Newspaper General Coordinator Vahap MUNYAR as Moderator. 0, how to reduce costs and increase efficiency with Agriculture 5. 0, which new technologies will meet the record-high food need to feed the world population, which will reach 10 billion in 2050, how big data and blockchain technologies will transform the agricultural supply chain, what should be the smart water use policies that should be developed while 70 percent of the total fresh water resources on earth are used in agriculture, The topics discussed included providing technical infrastructure and training to our farmers, determining standard-setting legislation in e-agriculture applications, expanding infrastructure investments with mobile operators, expanding applications and systems as a state policy of smart agriculture, how a road map should be followed with public-private sector coordination and cooperation in order to support agricultural tools, equipment and domestic software to be produced for 5G use with incentives, and techniques developed for alternative protein sources.