TEMA Foundation's Respect for the Earth activities, which take place in 22 provinces in our country, are also starting in Hatay. TEMA Hatay, which came together with district representatives and volunteers to discuss projects in 2020, announced that it will work with primary and secondary schools in the new year.
TEMA, Respect for the Earth: Protect the Climate and Tree Brotherhood projects were announced.
Projects will be carried out in Arsuz, İskenderun, Kırıkhan and Antakya
A meeting with the provincial team and volunteers was organized at the Faculty of Architecture of Mustafa Kemal University under the representation of TEMA Foundation Hatay Provincial Representative Zehra Güngördü. During the meeting, Provincial Representative Güngördü introduced the new projects of TEMA Foundation. It was stated that the projects will be carried out with Arsuz, İskenderun, Kırıkhan and Antakya district officers. The aim of the activities, which will proceed with printed materials, was recorded as "Developing solutions that can be produced against climate change".
Respect for the Earth at Antakya Ata College: Protect the Climate Project will be carried out
The Respect for the Earth Project, which was initiated with the aim of making children aware of the changes in nature due to the seasons: Protect the Climate Project will be carried out at Antakya Ata College.
In the project, which includes third and fourth graders, the causes and consequences of climate change will be discussed with the game cards given to children. Respect for the Earth: After the Protect the Climate Project is completed, work on the Tree Brotherhood Project will begin with primary schools. The aim of the project, which will be intertwined with the soil and saplings, will be to ensure that children learn about their diminishing relationship with nature by strengthening it through experiences. The Tree Brotherhood will be carried out in Antakya Governor Teoman Primary School, Defne Ekin College and Cemil Şükrü Çolakoğlu Primary School in Hatay.
On March 15, the Role of Women in Agriculture will be discussed at Anemon Hotel
In cooperation with TEMA Foundation and Hatay Women's Rights Commission, the Role of Women in Agriculture will be discussed on Sunday, March 15 at 14.00 at Anemon Hotel. TEDx Istanbul speakers Tanfer Dinler, Ebru Baybora Demir and Tülin Akın and pioneers in Hatay will give speeches. TEDx speakers, who are concrete examples for people with their success stories, will talk about the importance of women's development to inspire people.